Sunday, April 7, 2013

Assessment Plan

Assessment Plan

Students will be able to legible write uppercase and lowercase Aa, Bb, Cc. Students will demonstrate active listening skills and ability to follow oral instruction on which form of Aa, Bb, Cc to write. Students can identify pictures that begin with letters Aa, Bb, Cc.

Test Items

Students are asked to write uppercase A, B, C.

Students are asked to write lowercase a, b, c.
Students are asked to draw a circle around pictures that begin with the letter Aa.

Students are asked to draw a (X) on pictures that begin with the letter Bb.
Students are asked to color all pictures that begin with the letter Cc.

Assessment Context

The assessment will take place in the classroom following two weeks of instruction and activities. The students will take their assessments at their assigned table. Each table will seat four students and each table has a basket of assorted colors of primary crayons. Students will be given primary paper and a sharpened primary pencil to write uppercase and lowercase Aa, Bb, Cc. The teacher will give oral instructions on which form of Aa, Bb, Cc, the students is to write until the students have been instructed to write both forms of Aa, Bb, Cc a total of four times each. The students will be given a worksheet with 3 pictures that start with the letter Aa, three pictures that start with the letter, Bb, and three pictures that start with the letter Cc. The teacher will give oral instructions for students circle all items that begin with Aa. Teacher will give oral instruction for students to draw a (X) on all items that begin with Bb. Teacher will give oral instruction for student use crayons from the basket of assorted primary crayons located on their table to color all pictures that begin with the letter Cc.
Assessment will be given following two weeks of instruction and activity related to learning objectives. The assessment will be given in class at students assigned table. The written portion will be allotted a time of  30 minutes.   The worksheet portion will also be allowed 30 minutes. Each student will be provided with the same material in order to promote fairness in the delivery of the assessment. Each student will begin the assessment at the same time and assessments will be collected for grading from each student at the same time. Teacher will orally give instructions in order to ensure that students are clear on what he/she is required to do. Teacher will actively observe students during the assessment by walking from table to table as students follow oral instructions.

Holistic Rubric

W= Well Developed
P= Partially Developed
N=Not Developed
Independently forms  Aa, Bb, Cc
Student independently writes capital and lowercase letters that are clear and legible
Student independently almost always write capital and lowercase letters that are clear and legible
Student cannot independently form capital and lowercase letters that are clear and legible
Follows oral instructions for writing Aa, Bb, Cc
Student actively listens to instruction of which letter to write and what form of the Aa, Bb, Cc to write
Student is occasionally able to follow oral instruction on what form of the Aa, Bb, Cc to write
Student has a lot of difficulty following oral instruction on what form of Aa, Bb, Cc to write
Identifies pictures that begin with Aa, Bb, Cc
Student successful identifies pictures that begin with Aa, Bb, Cc
Student with 75% accuracy identifies pictures that begin with Aa, Bb, Cc
Student has difficulty more than 50% of the time identifying picture that begin with Aa, Bb, Cc

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